This green salad recipe is simple, It's a perfect side dish - you 
can serve it with almost anything!

How to Prepare a Simple Green Salad

Great green salad recipes start with great greens. Though I love a good salad or mix green salad as much as the next person, when I’m making a simple, refreshing side salad, I like to use lettuce as the base.

Look for lettuces that have soft leaves and crisp stems with no discoloration. I especially like the flavor and texture of Butter lettuces like Boston and Bibb, but tender leaf or romaine lettuce would work well here too. Use whatever looks best. The more varieties, the merrier!

lettuce on a dish towelWhen you’re ready to make the salad, pull the lettuce leaves apart, and wash and dry them well. To avoid bruising or tearing the leaves, I recommend using a salad spinner for this step (I have this one). With it, you’ll be able to get the leaves almost perfectly dry in no time!

Red leaf lettuce on a dish towelIf you don’t have a salad spinner, spread the washed lettuce on a kitchen towel to dry while you prepare the other salad components.

Simple green salad

Green Salad Serving Suggestions

Because you’re working with tender lettuces and avocado, which has a tendency to brown, this salad is best if you assemble it right before you eat. If you want to get ahead, you can wash and dry the lettuce a day in advance and store it, well-wrapped, in the fridge. You can also roast the nuts ahead of time and store them, loosely covered, at room temperature. The dressing is make ahead-friendly, too! Store it in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
